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San Waddy Incubator Program for Women-Led Enterprises

The San Waddy Incubator program is as a training program and provided business and financial management to develop strengthening their small skill business within their women communities using a gender and cultural lens, ensuring the program. its&...

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Landing Site and Invoice Data Collection Activity

Biological data is needed in the scientific approach to conservation. We conducted many survey activities in the field in order to collect fishery information and some local volunteers have been trained for these activities. Landing site and invoi...

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Consultation Activity with Local Communities for Management Plan Development

Developing a management plan is an essential process to be a sustainable natural resources operation. In order to result a good administration procedure, the communities’ participation and their knowledge must be based and added the rules an...

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Reef-check survey to Effectively Managed Marine Conservation Zones

Coral reefs play a crucial role in supporting biodiversity, supplying food, facilitating sustainable fisheries and mitigating climate change. Despite their significance, coral reefs and fish resources are facing destruction and substantial degrada...

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