San Waddy Incubator Program for Women-Led Enterprises
The San Waddy Incubator program is as a training program and provided business and financial management to develop strengthening their small skill business within their women communities using a gender and cultural lens, ensuring the program. its’ content and curriculum are designing according to the specific gendered barriers facing women in western forested areas affected by human-elephant conflicts as well as in marine biodiversity and fisheries especially in southwestern coastal areas of Rakhine. Applying the culture lens knowledge, language and ethnicity into taking account the context, environment and women are running businesses when designing workshops and overall San Waddy incubator program structure. This Incubator Program aims to create positive economic, social and environmental impact for women, their families and entire communities. The purposed of the training is to involve women in business entrepreneur through the delivery of a new “business incubator’ program which is linked to the improved status of women in society as well as having broader fisheries community benefits. The target participants of trainees are women who is running micro-sized, informal enterprises in the fishing commaunities as well as in the communities of wildlife conservation areas. By supporting women-led businesses incubator program in coastal and land areas accompanies with micro-grant to improve livelihoods and increasing household incomes, creating new jobs, improving local market-based solutions, reforming unsustainable business practices and creating sustainable livelihoods development of the entire communities for long-term impact.